Statement of intent tutorial


Mark: 2

Grade: E

Comments on Statement of Intent:

·         You’ve obviously changed your idea which will have a knock-on effect but this is still a long way from where it needs to be.
·         The gang/urban drama concept can work – but remember the coming-of-age genre usually focuses around one character that the audience can identify with. I think your opening needs looking at to make this clear.
·         Written English is a concern – the very first sentence of the statement contains three errors. Spelling, punctuation, grammar all need to be perfect.
·         You may want to make the beginning easier to follow – title, tagline, genre etc. Do you have a title? A working title can work for now (O13?)
·         It is still too vague in places – it suggests an idea not yet formed. Your statement of intent needs to be a definitive plan of what you are going to make. Avoid ‘try’, ‘hope’ or similar if you can.
·         Far more media terminology is required – look at the brief (minimum requirements) and then outline specific aspects you will create in your cross-media production that meets these requirements. E.g. you mention lighting, casting etc. but no specific details. Similarly, camera shots and angles.
·         No reference to audience; very limited in terms of representation.
·         No reference to the posters – this is half the brief.

Next steps:

·         Copy and paste this feedback to your Media 2 coursework blog with the title ‘Statement of Intent feedback and learner response’.
·         As your learner response, pick out the three improvements/changes you need to make to your Statement of Intent.
·         Re-draft your statement of intent using Microsoft Word and re-submit a printed copy.

I will add information about my posters
I will include more information about representations
I will re-draft my whole statement of intent


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