Editing: blog task

The initial shot was a crane shot from the view of a helicopter showing us the mass amount of cars crossing the border. After the setting is presented the camera goes in for close ups of the characters. The camera switches between their faces and then POV shots showing us where they're looking and what they're looking for. This is done to create and then maintain maintain the tension, as we know all that the characters know, if we're looking through their eyes we only manage to discover what they do.Once the characters leave the car the camera shots change, they stick with medium shots/medium close-ups of the characters to show us more of what's going on. Momentarily we are also shown another Crane shot from the helicopter showing us how many soldiers there are.

The pace of editing differs. The scene begins with very slow paced and well though out between each cut, being long enough for the audience to identify what's happening but not too long for it to become tedious. Once the action begins the pace of the editing rises significantly to go along with the shooting and continues to create tension for the audience. 

The scene takes on continuity editing, each shot following up from the prior shot building up to the suspenseful events. This is done to entice the audience and keep them excited for what is about to happen. 

There is also use of Juxtaposition in this scene showing us the good&bad side by switching between the two and giving us small insights on both sides.

There was no use of transitions throughout the scene.

Mise En Scene
The use of cheap, old some even broken looking cars adds to the atmosphere of the border, as it shows the audience that the area is poverty stricken which gives the audience and idea of what the antagonists motives maybe and why. Also the use of props is significant as it amplifies the seriousness of the situation. The costumes are also very significant as they show who's on which side and also tells us their roles. The placement of actors also shows the how organised both sides are telling us which side is more serious. Also the placement of the one woman in this scene can be considered as a reinforced stereotype telling the audience that she's weak and unable to step out of the car due to this weakness. .The lighting is very natural and bright showing us all of the action.


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