Radio: The Surgery & Life Hacks

Analysis Listen to the extracts from The Surgery and Life Hacks above and answer the following questions: 1) What do the titles The Surgery and Life Hacks suggest? The surgery has intellectual suggests, and it also has connotations of digging deeper and getting to the root of a problem. Life hacks on the other hand suggests something along the lines of helping people in situations and giving tips and tricks for life. 2) How are the programmes constructed to appeal to a youth audience? The background music is quite upbeat and youthful. The presenters constantly talk about things younger audiences could relate to such as not being sure if they have money in their bank accounts etc. They also have interviews with people who sound like they're in their early 20's and late teens, most likely UNI or College students. 3) What does the choice of presenter (e.g. Katie Thistleton) and Dr Modgil suggest about the BBC’s approach to diversity and representation?...