WWW: Some intelligent points&good use of media theory / terminology
EBI: You didn't specifically explain q1 ,q2, needs more developing.

2) Read the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment (even if you got full marks for the question).

1) The distinction between actors and characters is arguably breaking down as films allude to stars’ previous roles or reputations or deliberately play an actor against type.

2) Film festivals were vital in the promotion of the film as awards and acclaim from influential industry figures helped to raise the profile of the film. E.g. quote on poster from acclaimed actor Sir Ian McKellen.

3) Representations portray both sides. At times appear to favour the West (and therefore capitalism, dominant ideologies, hegemony – e.g. supermarket scene). However, the hero is an East German, reflecting values associated with communism and socialism.

3) The first question demanded a response using postmodern terminology. Write a definition here of the three main terms:

Bricolage: The juxtaposing of old and new texts, images, ideas and narratives to create new meanings.
Pastiche: This refers to media products that imitate the style of another text, artist or time period. Pastiche is an example of intertextuality and takes a positive view of the original source.
Intertextuality: The relationship between texts,

4) The second question was on the film industry. Write down two points from the mark scheme about Chicken's promotion and distribution that you didn't include in your answer. 
1) Chicken successfully used the film festival circuit to gather critical acclaim and build up positive publicity for the film. Film festival awards included Edinburgh, Busan, New Hampshire, Palm Beach and Julien.

2) Small cinema release in arthouse cinemas appropriate distribution for the film – a British social realist drama. Similarly, Film4 was a good home for TV premiere in April 2017. It was also selected for the curated film subscription service MUBI aimed at more discerning, educated film fans.

5) Look over your mark, teacher comments and the mark scheme for Question 3 - the 25 mark essay question on your TV Close-Study Products. Write a complete essay plan for this question based on the suggested answers in the mark scheme. You can either use something similar to your actual answer or alternatively start from scratch. Make sure it is an extensive, detailed plan focused on the question (representations) and offering specific references to Capital and Deutschland 83 for each section. Try and cover the two texts equally if you can and aim to plan around 5-6 paragraphs in total.

Capital: Focus on representation of several ethnic groups such as, Asians, British White and Africans. Focus on gentrification and the general representation of Londoners. 

First paragraph focus on the negative representations of any ethnic groups.

Second paragraph focus on positive representations of any ethnic groups.

Third paragraph the representation on Londoners and the effects of gentrification. 

Duethschland 83: Compare the East and West, along with ideologies and lifestyle, as well as political agendas, such as Communism and socialism. Mention postmodernism and pastiche.

Fourth paragraph focus on Eastern Germany and mention how postmodernism, communism, socialism, pastiche etc links to general ideologies in the East.

Fifth paragraph focus on Western Germany and mention how postmodernism, communism, socialism, pastiche etc links to general ideologies in the West.


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