Film Language
1) What do you think the film is about, what might the storyline be?
I think the film is about a man (the one on the poster) who finds himself on a dilemma and the woman ( also on the poster) helps him with solving that. Maybe they fall in love.
2)What genre(s) might this film belong to?
I think it's an Action sci-fi possibly drama, because of the setting, which has bright blue lights which is often associated with Sci-fi, and the gun being held suggests action.
3) Who do you think is the target audience?
I think the target audience will be anyone between 16-40 as the film seems to have a mature and serious tone to it.
1) What do you think the film is about, what might the storyline be?
From the poster it's hard to tell the plot but i'd assume that it'll follow the typical "story" template with s beginning middle and end, along with a dilemma.
2)What genre(s) might this film belong to?
Comedy/Drama/Horror because the poster features a quote at the top claiming that it's "Absolutely Hilarious!" and it had Horror styled characters in the background.
3) Who do you think is the target audience?
I think the target audience is mainly teenagers and young adults because it's an immature movie.
1) What do you think the film is about, what might the storyline be?
Appears to be a catastrophe movie about possibly a war between two countries, where the main focus is on the protagonist (who is a civilian) trying to survive amidst the war going on around him. This is because of the old fashioned look and the man's head being down which suggests a possible sadness.
2)What genre(s) might this film belong to?
Drama because of the dark colour pallet. Also possibly a bit of action due to the post apocalyptic scenery.
3) Who do you think is the target audience?
Later 20's and upwards because the movie seems to have a heavy tone to it, and seems to be very mature.
1) What do you think the film is about, what might the storyline be?
About a little boy who spends the movie trying to over come a fear(s). Maybe he get's bullied and is a victim. Maybe he goes on an adventure. This is suggested by the title and the worries look on the boys face.
2)What genre(s) might this film belong to?
It appears to be a drama because of the seriousness of the boy, but maybe a comedy movie because of the yellow title.
3) Who do you think is the target audience?
Younger kids because of the child on the poster.
Seems to give off hitman sort of vibes, possibly a group of hitmen that have assigned contracts to kill certain high priority people, but they have to face, first of all the challenge of a murder, then getting away and possibly a CIA/FBI agent that's working on a case on them turning it into a murder race. I think this because of how serious everyone looks and how they're dressed.
2)What genre(s) might this film belong to?
Definitely action because of the guns and the rain, aswell as the intense black clothing and red font. Could have a dark undertone, so possibly a thriller due to the darkness of the poster.
3) Who do you think is the target audience?
I think the target audience will be action fans between the ages of 15-40.
A cruise of priates that fall into eachother by chance by somehow manage to be course for the same destination so they decide to team up and conquer the adventure together. This is because all 3 characters seem to be from different backgrounds suggesting that they'd be on ships with alike pirates, so they must have mixed.
2)What genre(s) might this film belong to?
Action adventure since it's a pirate movie, also massive tentacles suggest action.
3) Who do you think is the target audience?
Anywhere from kids to elderly since the movie seems to be quite friendly and doesn't take itself too seriously.
Possibly a couple who want's to get married but finds difficulty in doing so due to a culture difference, so they have to try and convince their parents/family that it's not that big of a thing and try set the weeding up. This is suggested by the "Prejudice" in the title and the two different cultures on the two sides.
2)What genre(s) might this film belong to?
A drama/romantic comedy, because of the tags.
3) Who do you think is the target audience?Women, 16-40.
A woman who has some sort of special gift, for example incredible strength, she's really athletic, something along those lines. And she's trying to escape from a group of people trying to track her down to study her, to find out how she has such amazing talents.
2)What genre(s) might this film belong to?
Action, because of the dark tone and the mean faces everyone has.
3) Who do you think is the target audience?
Ages 16-40 because the movie seems quite serious.
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